![]() Dear Friend, How are you? I’m well. I’d like to share more stories on prayer and intercession. After I read the book, “The Ambassador of God,” I wanted to encourage a few friends and ex-colleagues, so I ordered the books online to be delivered to their homes or offices as Christmas gifts. During the Christmas and year end time, an ex-colleague texted me, saying why the Lord gave the book to her through me. She said it gave her a timely message, as she had a difficult person to work with. And the book encouraged her to intercede for the person, just like the author of the book did. I was glad to hear that. Even when I was in the middle of reading the book and said to the Lord that I would be diligent in intercession, He connected me to a person who needed prayers. I happened to know a Christian cook of Korean foods in the traditional market. I paid a compliment on her foods and got to know she is a believer. Then, she said she would get a surgery on her neck and back disks the next week and she would not open her store for a week. I promised to her that I would remember her in my prayers, and I did. When she came back, I was glad to hear the good report on her recovery and she was also grateful for having a wonderful time even in the midst of the surgery. While I interceded for others, I kept one brother in my Singapore church in my prayers. He has been sending me texts, to share YouTube video links or news articles. I found some of them were prophecy, but many times he sent kind of speculations on the Covid-19 vaccines. I guessed he is unvaccinated, because of those speculations. Most of the time, I got a bit annoyed at his texts, as I believe it’s a personal decision, after we pray and hear from the Lord. And I also think there is a spirit of division over unimportant things in the Body of Christ. And when he sent those texts, there was no personal greeting, but simply those links of websites. And I didn’t really want to spend a second on clicking them. So, I literally said to the Lord, “Father, I don’t like to receive texts from him anymore. But, please give him the discernment so that he would not be distracted by those speculations or false prophecy.” As he is much older than I am, I didn’t want to ask him to stop sending texts. I wanted to be kind by saying some greetings to him, but I was afraid of receiving more texts from him then. So, I kept being quiet. Interestingly enough, after I started to pray that prayer, I didn’t receive any text from him! I was literally amazed. But much later, I received a text from him. This time, it was not a simple link of YouTube or any website. He wrote, “Sister, I’m sharing what happened to me.” and I got to know he was in hospital as he was infected with the Covid-19. I felt so sorry for him. Not knowing he had the virus, I felt good at not receiving any text from him. So, I prayed to the Father that He would recover him and also continued to pray for the wisdom and discernment over him. Soon enough, he was discharged and shared the picture of his newborn granddaughter. In addition to these episodes, I had some learning and adjustments on my time of prayer. When I was reading the book, The Ambassador of God, I asked the Lord to wake me up before the alarm rings. I’ve had difficulty in getting up even with the alarm. Amazingly after the prayer, I woke up around 10 minutes before the alarm was supposed to ring. So, I read the Bible and prayed on the sofa in the living room. Then, my mom started to get up when I got up early for prayer. She simply went to and fro the restroom, and it was often enough to distract me. So, I felt it hard to get focused. But, at the end of the day, I didn’t want to blame her, as if the enemy was using her to distract me and to prevent me from praying. I had to change my mind, thinking of a mom who has a newborn baby. She would find it hard to find a good time for prayers, when she has her tiny new boss! But she wouldn’t blame her little baby, as if it was the devil’s scheme to be distracted by the baby or attend to him or her. As my mom’s sleep has been irregular like being wide-awake whole night, I thought I would learn to use my time per her condition. There is a good time when she falls asleep, snoring, even during the day. So, I started to change my mindset and learned to adjust to praising and praying when she fell asleep or watched TV in the bedroom. I didn’t have to feel bad or guilty for not getting up early for prayers. I also prayed and sang, while I was cooking or washing dishes. Then, Sister Margaret said during her class that we could pray while we vacuum or wash dishes. When I heard that, I was encouraged as if He was saying to me that He knows my circumstances and I’m on the right track. Sister Margaret shared one story that she saw a vision when she was nursing one of her children, reading the Bible and asking on the verse she had been questioning for many years. Through the vision, she was able to understand the verse she questioned for many years. I was encouraged to know that she received the revelation even when nursing her baby, as a busy mother of little children. I believe our Father doesn’t necessarily hear or answer us early in the morning or late at night only. He knows our situations. And I’m learning to be flexible, not feeling bad or guilty at all. And I also believe walking with Him every moment would be more important than setting aside time for prayer. Friend, I’d like to encourage you to talk to Him while you are driving alone or doing some house chores, if you have difficulty in finding a quiet time. We have our own secret closets and yours might be different from mine. Our Father is creative and loves diversity. And He is omnipresent and ever present. And He loves to hear from you and talk to you. Have a bliss! Yunee Where can I go from Your Spirit? Comments are closed.
February 2025