Dear Friend, How are you? Hope you had or are having a good day today? One day in my church home group in Singapore, we watched a video on the Israelites’ worshipping of Baal. The Israelite went to Baal’s altar and sacrificed their babies into the fire. When they were doing this horrible thing, they still went to the Jehovah’s Temple. It was unbelievable, but the teacher in the video said it would be the same in the modern day churches. People still go to church on every Sunday, while keeping on sinning. Pastor R. T. Kendall wrote about social sins in his book, “Popular in Heaven, Famous in Hell” and he put abortion, same sex marriage, pornography, racism, sex outside of marriage, and so on. I think those sins have been influencing churches, too. Whenever I read the headlines or news articles on abortion in Christian Broadcasting Network, I get angry. I really do. I believe Jesus would do the same. And I think I can be very cynical and sarcastic toward those who shut their eyes to it or even support it in America and many other countries. I think it was Derek Prince’ book, “Blessing or Curse” where he wrote something like that it’s non-sense that Americans overprotect the rights of the children, while they kill the unborn babies. I couldn’t agree with him more. I think the regulations on childcare in the US are very strict such as not leaving the kids alone home or in cars. Not only to the children, but to the dogs and other animals, they tend to accuse neighbors of abusing them, if they found any. I’m not saying they are wrong. But I think it is absolutely nonsense that they completely ignore the unborn babies’ rights to live, claiming women’s rights whatsoever. I think the lives of unborn babies are more precious than those of dogs. I’m angry and I’m sad as their eyes were blinded by Satan and his tactics. David Pawson mentioned about Satan’s killing many Jewish babies in Moses’ and Jesus’ times, and he said there is now abortion in many Christian countries as Satan doesn’t want future Christian leaders to be born. I agree with him. I believe that even if babies are from rape or out of wedlock, God has His good purpose and plan for them. Pastor R. T. Kendall wrote in his book, “Popular in Heaven, Famous in Hell,” “I have been in the office of James Dobson and watched him weep like a child over the incalculable number of abortions in America. He sees his own ministry as saving lives of the unborn. There have been a staggering 58.5 million babies aborted in the womb in America since January 22, 1973—the date the Supreme Court verdict known as Roe v. Wade was handed down. And the number continues to grow. This means 58.5 million murders for which no one will be judged. So far, Abortions worldwide have taken more lives than all the wars, terrorism, and murders carried out by the hands of humanity over the last fifty years. There are approximately 125,000 abortions per day in the United States. Every day in England and Wales, more than 500 abortions take place. But mark it down: what is unpopular in heaven will one day be revealed openly. It is when “God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ” (Rom. 2:16).” Since the coronavirus pandemic, it is reported daily about the number of cases and the number of the dead from all over the world. We are very concerned about the death by the virus. While I was seeing the report, I wished we could have made a report on the babies who were being killed daily. We’ve seen and heard the news on “Black Lives Matter!” I agree with it and I believe every life matters no matter what color we are and no matter how old we are. Even the life that is less than nine months old does matter to God! I wished many had protested for the lives of the vulnerable little ones. I often think of Derek Prince’ teaching on the Living Sacrifice. He said that once we offer ourselves to God on the altar, He decides everything; what we eat, what we wear and so forth. I believe that once we decide to put ourselves on that altar, we don’t decide the sex and the life inside our bodies, but God does. But the enemy stirs up rebellion, shouting, “My right! My body!!” And I think things will get more wicked in the last days, as Jesus said. Yet, I think the Body of Christ should stand in the gap and live out His Words faithfully. I’ve heard that some Christians say that they agree with abortion when it comes to the pregnancy by rape. But I would like to share a story. I know a Christian lady minister who was born after her mother was raped and got pregnant. I wanted to give her a birthday present, so I asked Irene Wong, the Singaporean prophetic artist to paint for the lady. I only gave her the name of the lady and Irene prayed over her without any information on her. In a month or two when I received the painting from Irene, I just stood amazed by His love. The theme of the painting for the lady was “Marvelous are Your works” and she wrote the verse, Psalms 139:14, “I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” She painted a dancing lady with flowers on the background and wrote more words from the Lord, “He weaved you when you were in your mother’s womb. He had you in mind to make you for such a time as this.…” I was just blown away, knowing how good our Father is and how wonderful He is. When I met Irene to get the painting, I shared the background on the recipient of her painting. She was also amazed to know how great God is and she herself was encouraged by the Words. It was not the end. When I sent the painting to the lady, she said that the Scripture, Psalms 139:14 was the word she had recently been teaching to her little students. Do you believe our Heavenly Father orchestrated everything including her birth and the time to receive His words? No matter whether a baby is out of wedlock or rape, it matters to our Father. He created the baby for His good purpose. And He is Life! Dear Friend, I pray that you and I stand in the gap and we become a true sacrifice to the altar and live a holy life in Jesus’ name. Have a bliss! Yunee For You formed my inward parts; Comments are closed.
January 2025