Dear Friend, How are you? I’m well. Today I would like to share some of the writings from a Frank Charles Laubach’s book, Learning the Vocabulary of God. He is an author of The Game with Minutes that I shared previously. The book, Learning the Vocabulary of God is like his diary and his talk to God when he was in India for literacy development. And I’m still in the middle of reading this. I chose not to read it through at once, but to read a page or two at a time like writing my own diary and reading it. His writings are from many different topics in his daily life: his literacy development work, people he met, awe in Taj Mahal and so on. And I’d like to share a few. Wednesday 27 (Near Moga) GOD, after a sleepless night, I open my eyes, laughing, for we are together! Sleep is not necessary. Disturbances like that man coughing below me all night are good for character if I do not let them keep me from You. If every annoyance can be made to remind me to turn and grip Your hand and ask You, “What are You saying through this vexation?” Then I can turn life’s rough spots into Your vocabulary. If I can do that perfectly, nothing can defeat my soul. It will all be on the credit side of the ledger. “Then welcome each rebuff That turns earth’s smoothness rough.” And yet - with this immense task before me - I had no right to lie there permitting myself to be exposed to his cough. I ought to have moved for India’s sake. Monday 29 (Bombay) God, experience proves that a minute with Thee always brings fruit, often wonderful fruit; experience proves that a minute apart from Thee is wasted or full of thoughts of malice or vice. Abide in Me as the branch abides in the vine. It abides all the time, every moment. Before me is an electric plug. The moment I disconnect the cord, the light goes out. What I got the last minute does not help, I may still be a little warm, but I am no longer a light. “Apart from me ye can do nothing” - say nothing, be nothing, help nothing. So I must keep plugged in every second. Hard but essential. Think Thy thoughts, God, here all day - Thine, not mine. Friend, would you like to talk to God and learn His vocabulary through nature, people, your work and whatever it might be? I don’t write my words to Him on a note, like Frank Laubach did, but I’m sharing here some of the words I recently said to Him in my heart. I pray that you and I think of Him and talk to Him often, even though we wouldn’t write our words to Him daily. “Awww, look at the clouds, Father! They are like cotton candies. And I imagine that You made them with Your fingers for us and You’re smiling at us. Thank You, Father. They look amazing!” “Father, I thank You for this time in this garden. I enjoy seeing magpies, sparrows and that bird that I don’t know the name of, but You know. They remind me of the verse, ‘not one of them falls to the ground apart from Your will.’ You even know one feather of that bird fell just now, don’t You? The leaves at the top of this tree begin to change the color. Father, I ask You to give xxx (my friend in Singapore) and her girl the best of the autumn when they come here in October. They may enjoy the beautiful colors of the autumn and the nice weather, and stand in awe of You. And I ask You that we would enjoy fellowship together, when they are in town. Thank You, Father!” “Father, I like the jazz music from this coffee shop (as I’m walking by now). Father, once in a while, I’d like to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea outside, listening to the music and relaxing. Maybe The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf’s seats outdoor…” “Father, You’re always faithful. Thank You for waking me up early. It’s really good that I got up early and had quiet time of praying and reading the Words. I feel like I have a longer day, today. I might take a nap in the afternoon. Thank You, Father. And please help me get up early tomorrow, too.” “Father, thank You for giving me the idea of cooking these recipes with my rice cooker. It’s so easy and simple, as I don’t have to stand in front of the hot burner so long. I wish I could have done that sooner. Haha. Shall I buy an instant pot? Maybe not. The rice cooker is enough for now. Thank You, Father, for giving us yummy foods through that cooker!” “Father, I have tears in my eyes. Are they from You, Father? And You said to me twice today, “I formed you.” It reminded me of Psalms 139 and made me read: ‘For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.’ Father, is this the confirmation that I asked You on that matter? Father, thank You for Your thoughts to me. You always think of me.” Have a bliss! Yunee O God, You are my God; Comments are closed.
February 2025