Dear Friend, How are you? I’m well. On one Sunday in Singapore, I was doing voluntary work in reception so I came early before the Service. A Sunday school teacher for the kids came to the reception and asked the administrator whether I could help her as an assistant teacher as her assistant teacher was not able to come, with a last-minute notice. Although I wanted to attend the main Service to listen to the Words of the Lord, I also felt that I must serve the Lord when the teacher was in need of help. I found out my job as an assistant teacher was to accompany any kid, who wants to go to restroom during the class, to prepare for snacks, and to help whatever the teacher asks me to do during the class. When the class started, I saw a little girl, who came from Brazil sitting alone at the corner of the class, not being able to mingle with other kids close to the teacher. The teacher asked me to sit next to her, as she couldn’t understand English well at that time. She looked unhappy, sitting alone with her toy on the floor, at the corner. I took a seat on the floor next to her, in a bid to break the ice, smiling and talking to her. Later, I was grateful to see her open her heart and smiled. Interestingly, she moved forward to the teacher and other kids little by little on the floor. When I saw her going to the teacher, I thought of the prodigal son’s story. I do not mean she was a prodigal student. But from the scene, as she was moving forward to the teacher from the very corner of the classroom bit by bit, I was simply overwhelmed with happiness. I felt that it might be the feeling of our Heavenly Father, when His sons and daughter turned and came back to Him. After the class was over, the kids moved to one corner where their shoes were taken off and kept before the class. I saw a little girl help her friend put on shoes, even before she wore hers. She buckled her friend’s shoes, while sitting on the floor. It melted my heart, and I was really touched to see how she cared for her friend and put her friend’s need before hers. And I felt the Lord wanted to teach me through these little children. Sometimes, He uses pastors, but He also uses the little children, to show what love is. On another Sunday, when I worked in the reception, a little girl came to me and asked whether we happened to have a Band-Aid, showing her finger. I found out there was none, and thankfully she was not bleeding nor looked painful. So, I said to her, “I’m sorry that we don’t have any for now. But, can I pray for you?” The little girl nodded her head and closed her eyes. I prayed for healing. After the prayer, she simply went back to play with her friends. I do not know whether she was healed after the prayer, but I felt the little child had faith to believe she would be healed. Dear Friend, I pray that the Lord teaches us through children and that we have childlike faith, in Jesus’ name. Have a bliss! Yunee Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it,He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13~16) Comments are closed.
January 2025