Dear Friend, How are you? Hope you’re well. Today, I’d like to write more from Frank Laubach’s book, “The Game with Minutes” that I recently re-read. “Men at Work Countless thousands of men keep God in mind while engaged in all types of work, mental or manual, and find that they are happier and get better results. Those who endure the most intolerable ordeals gain new strength when they realize that their Unseen Comrade is by their sides. … The carpenter can do better work if he talks quietly to God about each task, as Jesus certainly did when He was a carpenter. Many of us found that we can compose a letter or write a book better when we say “God, think Thy thoughts in my mind. What dost Thou desire written? Here is my hand; use it. Pour Thy wisdom through my hand.” Our thoughts flow faster, and what we write is better. God loves to be a coauthor!” In last November, my sister and brother-in-law in California visited Seoul and stayed with mom & me for 40 days. They came for the wedding of brother-in-law’s niece and for extended family time. We had a great time, and I had to prepare for something before their arrival. First, I wanted to write my blogs to post during their stay, well in advance. From the experience in the past, I found it very hard to have a quiet time to write blogs, with an additional family member in my place. I didn’t want to neglect posting blogs after + a year of negligence last year. :) So, I wrote about 8 weeks of blogs in last October and November to post at a later point in time. It really was a lot of work for me, yet I found the Father’s grace was with me. Often times, I felt He gave me thoughts on the Bible verses I would quote. I’m not saying that I’m an excellent writer, but I know I indeed have a Coauthor Who helps me and enjoys partnering with me. Though I wrote the blogs for you, I found myself comforted and encouraged during proof-reading before posting or reading after posting. It had nothing to do with my talent or ability, as you know I most of the time quoted excerpts of others’ articles and books. :) Yet, whenever I read my own blogs, I was refreshed, assured and comforted. And I know the Father spoke to me again through them timely. Well, now, I don’t have any stock of blog draft left in my file, and my mind was kind of blank. Actually, my mind has been busy with something that I have to do on next Monday. Yet, I’m trying to write this, talking to the Father, “Father, can I keep it short this week? I can’t write any more for now.” :) “It Is for Anybody Humble folk often believe that walking with God is above their heads, or that they may “lose a good time” if they share all their joys with God. What tragic misunderstanding, to regard Him as a killer of happiness! A growing chorus of joyous voices round the world fairly sing that spending their hours with God is the most thrilling joy ever known, and that beside it a baseball game or a horse race is stupid. (From The Game with Minutes)” Last week, I wrote about yearning for eternal things. Fellowship with the Father. Despite my heart’s yearning, I found myself talking to someone in my imagination about something on my way back home from errands a few days back. Only when I passed by one of my favorite cafes on the street, did I realize I wasted part of my eternity, forgetting about His presence in me. I wished I could have talked to Him sooner. I missed the joy I could have had with Him, and I made Him keep waiting for me. Friend, One of Frank Laubach’s advices I like is to read a book to Him, not just reading it alone. Isn’t it marvelous? Whether you read my blog, news, the Bible or any other book, you might want to read them to Him. :) You and I would have endless joy with Him, only if we would think of Him and talk to Him in our hearts every minute. Have a bliss! Julie O God, You are my God; Comments are closed.
February 2025